Activation Tamayo Museum
Activation with Chula The Clown for the exhibition “Vocabulary of the
Solitude” by Ugo Rondinone.
Miracles are everywhere.
Miracles are all around.
We’re not so much homeless as we are home free, penny-poor,
but plenty lucky for love and leaves that keep breaking the fall.
Here it is:
the new way of living with the world inside of us so we cannot lose it,
and we cannot be lost.
You and me, are us and them, and it and sky.
-Ada Lemon
Upon entering the doors of the Tamayo museum, a clown greets the audience as they settle in as witnesses to the contemplation of 32 clowns in the museum esplanade, Chula is one of them.
At first we see her as part of a general panorama, of the finished painting, of the complete scenario within a collective, however she’s all alone. As if she came out of the painting, we see her interact with other clowns in the dynamics of daily life, of contemplation, board games and shared readings. Suddenly, she realizes she was never alone. She’s so thrilled that she takes a member of the audience into her universe and we all know what happens…
The culmination of this encounter leads to a festive parade that will take all the witnesses outside the museum and thus, Chula will return to that familiar place, to the canvas of her solitude.