PRESS  18 January, 2020

Museo Tamayo
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Museo Tamayo
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APNEWS - the silence of sound
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APNEWS - the silence of sound
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Sydney Morning Herald

Even in moments of high drama, Mexican actor Gabriela Munoz has found that her audience can’t take her seriously.

“Whatever I find very poetic or very serious, people seem to find very funny,” she says. “Even when I was in London doing Shakespeare, I would come out and before I said anything, everyone would laugh. I was like, ‘c’mon, this is supposed to be serious!’ And it still happens now.”

Which is a good thing. Munoz is now one of Latin America’s leading clown performers and poised to make her Australian debut with her one-woman show, Perhaps, Perhaps … Quizas, at the Old 505 in Newtown. “It’s a mix of all the things that touch my heart,” Munoz says.

Taking its title from the Cuban pop song made famous by Doris Day, the show is based around a clown character, Greta, who is patiently – and sometimes not so patiently – awaiting the arrival of the love of her life, “the one”.

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